More Than 100 Stories is a commission led by artists Sarah Butler and Nicole Mollet that explores and creatively maps the Creative People and Places programme.

Thinking about Time


Nicole and I have been collecting responses to a series of questions linked to our Ten themes via physical postcards and online questionnaires.

As well as developing our own responses to the themes and our research, we are creating 10 joint pieces (you can see sketches for our piece about confidence here).

This week, I've been coming up with some text inspired by the theme of TIME and the answers to our questions. Below is my first attempt. It looks like a poem, but isn't really meant to be - I'm thinking about it more as an ordered collection of statements/thoughts. I'm looking forward to seeing what Nicole does with it!

So much to do. So little

We are going far too fast and far too slow


It takes time to make meaning


It takes time to make trust

Gearing up

Gaining speed

Slowing down

There is always the risk of delay

We have to practice patience

Keep up. Slow down. Find a rhythm

Don’t leave me behind


You have to think of the time it takes to get anywhere

You have to think of the time



Sarah Butler