Our learning

bait: seven case studies

These case studies share learning from the bait programme in South East Northumberland and give an insight into seven projects.  
  • Ashington District Star: inspiring a new generation of photographers and artists to document life in Ashington today
  • Creative Connectors: supporting local people to develop skills and build experience of working in the arts
  • Haalin' the Lines: brokering a new partnership to bring people together to celebrate their history and heritage
  • Escape Family Support: working with a drug and alcohol misuse charity to support and inspire service users via an artist-residency and series of art workshops
  • The Share: exploring the role that working men’s clubs can play as a hub for the arts in a community
  • Measuring Up: measuring impact on people's sense of wellbeing using the Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales (WEMWBS)
  • TURNS: a dance and movement project for older people