Our learning

Audience Profiling and Mapping Year 2

These Audience Agency reports analyse the audiences we reached in year 2 of the programme (January to December 2015).


Audience postcode data is analysed using Mosaic profiling, Audience Spectrum profiling and profiling by social grade. The event type report explores the audience profile by event type, including location, cost, artform, participation, type of venue and time of day.


Headline findings

  • In year 2 Creative People and Places (CPP) reached 456,138 participants.

  • Across the CPP programme, lower engaged segments made up a larger proportion of participants than those from the medium or higher engaged segments.


Audience spectrum profiling

  • 90% of CPP participants are from lower and medium engaged segments

  • 47% of participants belonged to one of the lower engaged Audience Spectrum segments

  • 43% belonged to one of the medium engagement segments

  • 10% belonged to one of the higher engagement segments.


This compares with 36% lower, 42% medium, and 23% higher in the English population.


Lower engaged segments are over-represented in the Creative People and Places programme, compared to their distribution in the English population as a whole.


90% of CPP participants are from lower and medium engaged audience spectrum segments. These segments make up 78% of the population as a whole.


Social grade profile

  • Approximately 52% of Creative People and Places participants belonged to the C2/D/E social grade.

  • This is 6% higher than in seen across the population of England, where 46% fall into grades C2, D or E.


Geographical spread

  • On average 77% of participants lived within the project area, some areas achieving as high as 90%